What are the 12 KEY MOTIVATORS?

Motivators provide information on what drives people or why they do what they do. We will be exploring what motivates people and what drives them to action. By recognizing that each motivator can be placed on a continuum, we are pro-vided a wide range of perspectives for that motivator. Fulfill-ing motivational needs leads to engagement and satisfaction in both personal and professional lives.


When it comes to Knowledge, defined as a passion to discover, systemize and analyze; a search for information, a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven by utilizing past experiences, intuition and seeking specific knowledge when necessary.

People who are driven by opportunities to learn, acquire knowledge and the discovery of truth.


When it comes to Utility, defined as a passion to gain return on all investments of time, talent and resources, a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven by completing tasks for the sake of completion, with little expectation of personal return.

People who are driven by practical results, maximizing both efficiency and returns for their investments of time, talent, energy and resources.


When it comes to Surroundings, defined as a passion to add balance and harmony in oneā€™s own life and protect our natural resources, a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven by the functionality and objectivity of their surroundings.

People who are driven by the experience, subjective viewpoints and balance in their surroundings.


When it comes to Others, defined as a passion to eliminate hate and conflict in the world and to assist others,

a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven to assist others for a specific purpose, not just for the sake of being helpful or supportive.

People who are driven to assist others for the satisfaction of
Ā being helpful or supportive.


When it comes to Power, defined as a passion to achieve position and to use that position to influence others,Ā 

a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven by being in a supporting role and contributing with little need for individual recognition.

People who are driven by status, recognition and control over personal freedom.


When it comes to Methodologies, defined as a passion to pursue the higher meaning in life through a defined system for living,

a person is moreā€¦

People who are driven by new ideas, methods and opportunities that fall outside a defined system for living.

People who are driven by traditional approaches, proven methods and a defined system for living.

What are my Motivators?

The History


The Start.

Since the beginning of time, every human has developed motivators. The earliest human motivators were probably focused on surviving or fulfilling primary needs, as described by Maslow. There is not much literature discussing motivators prior to the 1800s. The philosophers predating the 19th Century laid the background for the whole field of psychology, which is less than 200 years old. So much of the study of motivationĀ is fairly recent, and we really didnā€™t start considering motiva-tors until Eduard Spranger wrote the book, ā€œTypes of Menā€in 1928.

Coincidentally this is the same year that Marston wrote ā€œEmotions of Normal Peopleā€ presenting the DISCbehavioral theory.

Sprangerā€™s original names for the six categories of motivation were:


  • Theoretical
  • Social
  • Economic
  • Political
  • Aesthetic
  • Religious

Expansion of 12 Key Motivators

In 2011, TTI SI embarked on a new assessment validation research agenda by incorporating the study of real time decision-making brain pathways, using state-of-the-art Electroencephalography (EEG) with S-LORETA imaging. This work yielded yet another patent, ā€œValidating Emotionally Charged Ipsative Assessments using Prefrontal Cortex EEG Asymmetry,ā€ Patent No. 9,060,702. In the process of both the research and a massive review of literature on frontal lobe asymmetry, it was discovered that our response to aversion, or what we do not like, actually evokes a stronger response. This insight is already fundamental to our behavioral assessment, which assesses and reports both your likes and dislikes, but what if we were to apply the same paradigm to motivators? A flurry of analysis by our research team not only documented this bidirectional response to the original six motivators, but also led us to revisit Spranger with a new goal of discovering if we had not fully considered this opposing viewpoint. And there it was! Spranger not only discusses the qualities of the six motivators, but also addresses the implications of how the focus of that motivator was valued along a continuum, thus revealing 12 Driving Forcesā„¢.