HVAC Industry

case study Sep 12, 2024

This client working in the HVAC industry faced significant challenges with retaining sales representatives, despite having a strong lead flow. Workforce RENEGADES addressed this issue by overhauling the company’s sales process and training structure. By conducting a thorough audit and utilizing DISC assessments and Key Drivers analysis, we tailored a new, effective sales approach that included a structured pitch, refined sales processes, and clear team goals. As a result, the company doubled its sales team size and saw a remarkable increase in closing ratios from 40% to over 50%. The client praised the seamless integration of our solutions and the positive impact on their sales performance, positioning them for continued success and growth.

Client Background

The client, operating in the HVAC industry, faced a significant challenge in retaining their sales representatives. Despite having a strong influx of leads, the company struggled with high turnover rates among new hires, which adversely impacted their ability to grow and achieve sales quotas. The frequent departure of quality sales reps was hindering their potential to capitalize on available leads and affecting overall team morale.

Problem or Challenge

The primary issue for the client was retaining skilled sales reps. Although they received ample leads, their sales reps were not closing enough deals to meet quotas, resulting in elevated turnover rates. This challenge was preventing the company from fully leveraging their lead flow, stalling business growth, and impacting team cohesion.

Workforce RENEGADES’ Solution

Workforce RENEGADES conducted a comprehensive audit of the client’s sales process, pitch, and training structure. Through a detailed evaluation, we identified key areas for improvement to streamline the process and enhance the skills of their sales reps. We utilized DISC assessments and Key Drivers analysis to understand each rep's communication style, behavior profile, and motivational drivers. This insight allowed us to customize the training to align with their individual strengths and learning preferences, creating a more effective onboarding experience.


We restructured the sales process to optimize and simplify the existing framework:

  1. 5 Steps to a Sales Conversation: We introduced a structured approach, incorporating the 5 Steps to a Sales Conversation and Impulse Factors to develop a robust, repeatable sales pitch.
  2. Sales Process and Pitch Enhancements: We refined the sales pitch and aligned it with the company’s core values, making it easier for reps to understand and implement.
  3. Team Alignment: We established clear and ambitious targets for the sales team, ensuring alignment towards common goals.

These improvements fostered a more cohesive and focused sales team, equipping each rep with the tools and structure needed for successful lead conversion.


The outcomes were impressive:

  • The client’s sales team grew to 4 reps, doubling the initial number before Workforce RENEGADES’ intervention.
  • The closing ratio increased from 40% to over 50%, reflecting the success of the new sales process and training.

Client Feedback

The client expressed their satisfaction with the process, noting its clarity and the seamless integration of changes into their operations. They appreciated the professionalism and effectiveness of Workforce RENEGADES, particularly highlighting Eric’s relatable and impactful approach.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

This case study underscores the significance of a structured and repeatable sales process in enhancing rep retention and performance. By tailoring training to individual communication and behavior profiles, Workforce RENEGADES improved team effectiveness and closing rates.

Key Takeaways:

  • A clear, replicable sales process can greatly enhance team retention and success rates.
  • Understanding individual motivations and strengths leads to more effective training and long-term success.
  • Unified team goals and strong targets drive improved sales performance.

With these enhancements, the HVAC company is now positioned for future success, supported by a solid sales team and an optimized process that fosters growth and improved closing ratios.

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